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Creativity and Productivity

Design Thinking

Training course by Marc & Zed Training Pte. Ltd.

Design thinking is a problem-solving methodology that emphasizes understanding and empathizing with users or customers, exploring multiple possible solutions, and iteratively prototyping and testing those solutions to arrive at an effective solution to the problem. The design thinking process typically consists of five stages: Empathize: This stage involves gaining an understanding of the user or customer and their needs, motivations, and challenges through observation, interviews, and other research methods. Define: Based on the insights gathered during the empathy stage, the problem or challenge is defined and framed as a design challenge. Ideate: This stage involves generating a wide range of possible solutions or ideas to address the design challenge. This can be done through brainstorming, sketching, or other ideation techniques. Prototype: In this stage, one or more solutions are selected for further development, and low-fidelity prototypes are created to test and refine the solution. Test: The final stage involves testing the prototypes with users or customers to gather feedback and refine the solution further. This iterative process continues until an effective solution is arrived at. Design thinking is a human-centered approach to problem-solving that encourages creativity, collaboration, and empathy. It has been widely used in fields such as product design, user experience design, and innovation management, but its principles can be applied to any problem-solving context.